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What We Do

Care for Church Leaders

Covenant Groups

As of March 2022, the percentage of pastors who have considered quitting full-time ministry within the past year was 42 percent.

Serving in full-time ministry has unique challenges and often tremendous stress. There are dozens of conferences where you can hear excellent speakers, but this is a rare opportunity for you to join a life-giving smaller group of other church leaders led by a senior Christian leader who will pray for, encourage, challenge and invest in you.

Encourage Local Elder Teams

10Two encourages and equips elder teams to look at strategic ways to care for their pastors and families. 

Connect with 10Two to talk about how your church can better care for its leaders.

Crisis Care for Pastors

Ministry work is rewarding, amazing, challenging, energizing and ultimately the most important calling in life.  But it is often arduous, traumatic, dangerous, and filled with unexpected financial burdens. 10Two can support pastors and their families during unique times of need.

In 2024 10Two awarded $26,000 in scholarships to men and women preparing for ministry.