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What You Can Do

If You're a Church Leader

The 10Two Project is dedicated to helping independent Christian Churches call, create and care for church leaders. Your church is key to this effort. Here are some areas where we can partner with you.


  • Build A Prayer Team focused on asking God to send workers into the harvest.
  • Have intentional conversations with those you see potential in. 
  • Identify and encourage those with ministry potential to prayerfully consider going into vocational ministry. 
  • Take students to visit a Christian College.


  • Select someone on your team who will give focused attention to calling, creating and caring for the next generation of church leaders.
  • Develop an Intern or Resident program 
  • Develop a Financial Assistance Plan for individuals who are preparing for vocational ministry. 

Caring For

  • Provide intentional support and care for your staff  
  • Develop a competitive salary and benefits package
  • Join the 10Two Network of churches and learn from other leaders

In 2024 10Two awarded $26,000 in scholarships to men and women preparing for ministry.